
You can check all my publications in my Scholar or in my Scopus account.

List of Selected Publications

Cognitive Neuroscience

  1. Costa, C., Pezzetta, R., Masina, F., Lago, S., Gastaldon, S., Frangi, C., Genon, S., Arcara, G., & Scarpazza, C. (2024). Comprehensive investigation of predictive processing: A cross-and within-cognitive domains fMRI meta-analytic approach. Human Brain Mapping, 45(12), e26817.

  2. Montemurro, S., Borek, D., Marinazzo, D., Zago, S., Masina, F., Napoli, E., Filippini, N., & Arcara, G. (2024). Aperiodic component of EEG power spectrum and cognitive performance are modulated by education in aging. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 15111.

  3. Borgomaneri, S., Zanon, M., Di Luzio, P., Cataneo, A., Arcara, G., Romei, V., Tamietto, M., & Avenanti, A. (2023). Increasing associative plasticity in temporo-occipital back-projections improves visual perception of emotions. Nature Communications, 14(1), 5720.

  4. Brkić, D., Sommariva, S., Schuler, A.-L., Pascarella, A., Belardinelli, P., Isabella, S. L., Di Pino, G., Zago, S., Ferrazzi, G., Rasero, J., & others. (2023). The impact of ROI extraction method for MEG connectivity estimation: Practical recommendations for the study of resting state data. NeuroImage, 284, 120424.

  5. Lago, S., Pezzetta, R., Gastaldon, S., Peressotti, F., & Arcara, G. (2023). Trial-by-trial fluctuations of pre-stimulus alpha power predict language ERPs. Psychophysiology, 60(12), e14388.

  6. Colenbier, N., Sareen, E., Puntas, T. del-Aguila, Griffa, A., Pellegrino, G., Mantini, D., Marinazzo, D., Arcara, G., & Amico, E. (2023). Task matters: Individual MEG signatures from naturalistic and neurophysiological brain states. NeuroImage, 271, 120021.

  7. Masina, F., Montemurro, S., Marino, M., Manzo, N., Pellegrino, G., & Arcara, G. (2022). State-dependent tDCS modulation of the somatomotor network: A MEG study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 142, 133–142.

  8. Masina, F., Pezzetta, R., Lago, S., Mantini, D., Scarpazza, C., & Arcara, G. (2022). Disconnection from prediction: A systematic review on the role of right temporoparietal junction in aberrant predictive processing. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 138, 104713.

  9. Arcara, G., Franzon, F., Gastaldon, S., Brotto, S., Semenza, C., Peressotti, F., & Zanini, C. (2019). One can be some but some cannot be one: ERP correlates of numerosity incongruence are different for singular and plural. Cortex, 116, 104–121.

  10. Arcara, G., Pezzetta, R., Benavides-Varela, S., Rizzi, G., Formica, S., Turco, C., Piccione, F., & Semenza, C. (2021). Magnetoencephalography reveals differences in brain activations for fast and slow responses to simple multiplications. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 20296.

  11. Cona, G., Chiossi, F., Di Tomasso, S., Pellegrino, G., Piccione, F., Bisiacchi, P., & Arcara, G. (2020). Theta and alpha oscillations as signatures of internal and external attention to delayed intentions: A magnetoencephalography (MEG) study. NeuroImage, 205, 116295.

Psychometrics and Clinical Neuropsychology

  1. Arcara, G. (accepted). Improving Equivalent Scores for Clinical Neuropsychology: A new method for regression model selection. Neurological Sciences.

  2. Montemurro, S., Daini, R., Tagliabue, C., Guzzetti, S., Gualco, G., Mondini, S., & Arcara, G. (2023). Cognitive reserve estimated with a life experience questionnaire outperforms education in predicting performance on MoCA: Italian normative data. Current Psychology, 42(23), 19503–19517.

  3. Montemurro, S., Mondini, S., Pucci, V., Durante, G., Riccardi, A., Maffezzini, S., Scialpi, G., Signorini, M., & Arcara, G. (2023). Tele-Global Examination of Mental State (Tele-GEMS): An open tool for the remote neuropsychological screening. Neurological Sciences, 44(10), 3499–3508.

  4. Aiello, E. N., Rimoldi, S., Bolognini, N., Appollonio, I., & Arcara, G. (2022). Psychometrics and diagnostics of Italian cognitive screening tests: A systematic review. Neurological Sciences, 1–25.

  5. Mondini, S., Montemurro, S., Pucci, V., Ravelli, A., Signorini, M., & Arcara, G. (2022). Global Examination of Mental State: An open tool for the brief evaluation of cognition. Brain and Behavior, 12(8), e2710.

  6. Arcara, G., Burgio, F., Benavides-Varela, S., Toffano, R., Gindri, P., Tonini, E., Meneghello, F., & Semenza, C. (2019). Numerical activities of daily living–financial (NADL-F): A tool for the assessment of financial capacities. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.

  7. Arcara, G., & Bambini, V. (2016). A test for the assessment of pragmatic abilities and cognitive substrates (APACS): Normative data and psychometric properties. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 70.

  8. Arcara, G., Tonini, E., Muriago, G., Mondin, E., Sgarabottolo, E., Bertagnoni, G., Semenza, C., & Bambini, V. (2020). Pragmatics and figurative language in individuals with traumatic brain injury: Fine-grained assessment and relevance-theoretic considerations. Aphasiology, 34(8), 1070–1100.

Books and book chapters

  1. Mondini, S., Cappelletti, M., & Arcara, G. (2022). Methodology in Neuropsychological Assessment: An Interpretative Approach to Guide Clinical Practice. Routledge

  2. Arcara, G., Pellegrino, G., Pascarella, A., Mantini, D., Kobayashi, E., & Jerbi, K. (2023). MEG. In Psychophysiology Methods (pp. 157–180). Springer US New York, NY.

  3. Arcara G. (2022) Metodi sperimentali in pragmatica. In Domaneschi F. e Bambini V.(a cura di) Pragmatica sperimentale. Il Mulino.

  4. Sarlo, M., Arcara, G., & others. (2017). L’EEG e la MEG nelle neuroscienze cognitive. In Il cervello al lavoro. Nuove prospettive in neuropsicologia (pp. 95–117). Il Mulino.

  5. Mondini, S., Mapelli, D., Vestri, A., Arcara, G., (2011) Esame Neuropsicologico Breve 2. Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano. (“tr. Short Neuropsychological Assessment 2”)

  6. Mondini, S., Mapelli, D., Arcara, G., & others. (2009). La valutazione neuropsicologica.

  7. Mondini, S., Arcara, G., & others. (2008). Come si svolge l’esame neuropsicologico. In L’esame neuropsicologico dell’adulto (pp. 106–122). Editrice Giunti.